who we are
We are ProVantaCare
Coordinating managed care services for patients and providers in the fields of behavioral health, drugs and alcohol, long term care, physical disabilities, intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Learn more about our organization
Coordinating managed care services for patients and providers in the fields of behavioral health, drugs and alcohol, long term care, physical disabilities, intellectual and developmental disabilities.
A network of diverse human services providers collaborating to contract with managed care organizations and other payers to enhance access to supports, while improving quality and outcomes in the delivery of health and human services. The organization has some unique structural advantages, making it a potential partner in a growing segment of provider-led collaborations with managing entities and payers.
ProVantaCare includes providers across the spectrum of services for adults and children: behavioral health, drug and alcohol, intellectual and developmental disabilities, long-term services, and physical disabilities. Many of the providers operate in a broad geographic area and can respond to emerging needs in this market in a collaborative manner. The diversity of the network provides flexibility in the ability to secure contracts, pilot innovative programs, and enhance the transition of consumers across the services and age spectrum.
Formed by RCPA members as a stand-alone managed care company by IDD Providers in 2014, RCPSO is comprised of a large, diverse group of provider members.
– Governance – separate bylaws and board of directors from RCPA
– Provider-owned – investment based on organization revenue
– Products/Work Groups – Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS), Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (IDD),
and Behavioral Health (BH)
In 2021, RCPSO was rebranded as ProVantaCare to enhance its position in the market
President/CEO, Community Services Group
President/CEO, Horizon House
Executive Consultant, Lenape Valley Foundation
President/CEO, Rehabilitation & Community Providers Association